Rules and Regulations

  1. Every pupil must have a copy of this Diary which should be brought to college daily.
  2. The prescribed form of application for admission must be signed by the parent or guardian at the time of admission. If the Principal has reason to doubt the correctness of the entry of the Date of Birth of the scholar she may require the parent or guardian to produce evidence of age.
  3. If a scholar presented for admission had attended any recognized institution, an authenticated copy to the scholar’s Transfer Certificate from her last and any former institution must be produced before her name is entered on the rolls.
  4. New-comers will be examined before they are admitted into a class.
  5. The school year is divided into two terms and school day is divided into two meetings.
  6. When the attendance roll is called each pupil must rise and respectfully answer her name. Similarly, when any authority enters the class the pupils should stand.
  7. No story books, magazines or news papers or money are allowed to be brought to school. Students are not allowed to wear ornaments of any kind. Each pupil should take care of her articles. The College authorities will not be responsible for the loss of any article by the pupils. Cell phones and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited.
  8. All the pupils must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners. They should always keep their books clean, neatly covered, with their names written on them. Any student who has damaged desks, tables etc. must pay for their repairs.
  9. A scholar leaving the school at the end of the school term shall receive the T.C. after she has paid all the dues of the school for which she must submit a written application in the prescribed format and pays the prescribed fee.
  10. Fee of C and D sections should be deposited from the personal A/c of parents/guardian through NEFT/RTGS, Beneficiary Bank - South Indian Bank Ltd.
  11. The attendance roll will be called at the beginning of each meetings, and those who are not in class will be marked absent. 
  12. The parents of the pupils must see that their children reach school at least five minutes before the commencement of the school. Late comers will be punished with a fine or any other punishment unless an urgent necessity justifies the breach of this rule and this must be certified by the parents in an accompanying note. Parents are requested to cooperate with the school authorities and see that their children are punctual.
  13. A student who fails to obtain promotion for 2 years will not be allowed to continue further.
  14. Leave of absence from school, except in cases of sudden illness or urgent necessity, must be applied for previously by parents or guardians. 
  15. All must take part in games and P.T. regularly. Absentees not exempted by the head of the institution, may be punished with a fine or otherwise.
  16. Strict regularity and implicit obedience in class will be expected from the pupils.
  17. Good Manners, Politeness; Courtesy both in speech and conduct as well cleanliness in dress and person is expected from every pupil.
  18. No child who is suffering from infectious diseases or who is dirty either in dress or person will be allowed to attend the school.
  19. No child who comes to school without the school uniform will be allowed to enter the class or to remain in the school premises, but will have to return home. In case it is not possible to send the child to school wearing the school uniform the child should be kept at home and leave of absence should be asked. In case this goes on for a considerable length of time the child should be withdrawn.
  20. If parents are keen on giving to their wards the best education possible, they should satisfy the College Authorities at the cost of any sacrifice and co-operate with them.
  21. No Tabla player except the one arranged by the college will be allowed during U.P. Board Examination of Music (Vocal & Instrumental).
  22. Leave of absence may be granted for sufficient cause on application from parents or guardians, which must be made in advance. 
  23. No pupil will be allowed to appear in any examination unless all dues are paid.